Archive: EU

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 10th, April, 2024

Brexit import charges raise fears of UK food price inflation

Post-Brexit physical border checks have been set to start on the 30th April for some time, but the associated costs have just been revealed, with fears for consumers and small…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 1st, February, 2024

New border checks for imports of plant and animal origin

From the 31st January Britain has imposed new border bureaucracy on EU food and drink and imports for the first time since Brexit, with the introduction of health certificates for…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 30th, November, 2023

Emissions Trading Scheme surcharge

The EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) was established in 2005 to tackle greenhouse gas emissions within the European Union and extends to container shipping from the 1st January 2024,…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 30th, November, 2023

EU rolling out CO2 linked road toll increases

European road freight rates will be under pressure from the 1st December as a new toll system linked to CO2 emissions begins its roll-out in Germany, with the rest of…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 4th, October, 2023

Shippers need to take note of EU-ETS surcharge

New EU emissions regulations are set to come into force in January, covering voyages into, out of and through the EEA and the maritime industry’s cost of compliance could be…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 3rd, August, 2023

Government may delay Post-Brexit food checks again

The government has said it is assessing its post-Brexit border control plan after the Financial Times reported that it was going to delay the introduction of import checks on goods…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 20th, June, 2023

Supporting trade with the EU

The Global Forwarding customs teams in the UK and EU have consolidated services, to include foodstuff compliance and fiscal representation, while our transport division continue to expand our commercial fleet,…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 9th, February, 2023

New EU import control system for air freight

On the 1st March 2023, the European Union is launching a new customs pre-acceptance and pre-arrival security and safety programme (ICS2), which will collect data for all goods entering, or…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 7th, December, 2022

New EU border checks could cause massive cargo delays

Schengen countries are tightening up security at external borders and Imperial College calculate it could result in 30 mile traffic jams at Dover and five hour queues at the Eurotunnel.…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 28th, June, 2022

Safety & Security easements announced

In an unexpected, and to many pundits unnecessary, move the government has announced a raft of new customs easements, to support industry and improve the flow of goods at UK…

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