Archive: Brexit

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 28th, June, 2022

Safety & Security easements announced

In an unexpected, and to many pundits unnecessary, move the government has announced a raft of new customs easements, to support industry and improve the flow of goods at UK…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 26th, May, 2022

Threat of EU trade war grows

After the Prime Minister’s trip to Northern Ireland last week failed to win any concessions, to end the dead-locked political situation, the government announced plans to table legislation that will…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 21st, February, 2022

Consumers will pick up bill of new EU border checks

Post-Brexit border checks have been introduced in stages since last January and the latest, which come into force in July, may cost UK companies millions of pounds. Full checks and…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 13th, January, 2022

Government to fund 11K HGV drivers

The UK government has offered contracts worth £34.5m to train up to 11,000 new lorry drivers, to alleviate the ongoing supply chain squeeze caused by the pandemic and Brexit. HGV…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 10th, November, 2021

Post-Brexit origin rules catching shippers out

British companies trading with the EU, that fail to comply with the origin rules of the EU-UK trade deal, could face disruptive enforcement action by customs authorities, when the ‘grace’…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 14th, January, 2021

Brexit FTA agreed

The freight sector has welcomed the signing of a trade deal between the UK and the EU. The deal covers the rules relating to products which will allow them to…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 2nd, November, 2020

Revised Border Operating Model released

The Government has released a comprehensive update to their Border Operating Model, detailing import and export border processes from 11:01 GMT 31st December 2020.  (more…)

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 10th, September, 2020

UK businesses are not ready for Brexit

A survey of supply chain managers has found that 66% have had their Brexit preparations disrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic, and only 25% are confident they will cope with the additional…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 5th, August, 2020

Brexit pallet time-bomb

Estimates suggest that fewer than a third of pallets used in the UK comply with EU packaging rules and if the majority are prevented from entry into the EU, those…

By Paul Kelly in News Posted: 6th, July, 2020

UK export post-Brexit threat

The Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) is intended to allow export trucks to declare goods ahead of reaching the border, allowing for smoother traffic flow, particularly at busier ports such…

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